Spain gave lots of Money to the Wrong Family Members Now its Time to Lock em Up
Recently, beat and exposed for shabby press seeking against the dirty tricks of the four boys thrown out of Hollywood 008 and mostly one in particular in 2005 when it became apparent that Kesha R Coggins had made it to Paramount Pictures at last. Inheritance, fortune and even Pitt was predicted! And, she'd done it in a three to four years period of the spins of Time/warner... Just days ago Amira Coggins caught opening massive money and ordered to prison or worst dead. The Watkins are next and worst the ones who paid this money out to the negros. like Matt Damon's and Jlo did. She h as been completely cut off and an early retiring Tom Brady just may have saved himself while the Hollywood so called giant as he has been putting himself back out their with her trillions has not... Tom Cruise expected to turn himself in (at last) and for the trillion s of dollars of dead kids he's accused of killing for his film career. Shame on him they were all his so called friend Pitt's.