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LAN hits Las Olas Bvld. region bringing in the Russian Soviet Union, the new name upon the map and promised of 5000.00 mthly payments of for all citizens, and stabilizing a new constitution of the change over of the contentment from country.

For which SSI will have real funding for the SSI properties finally built but promised there in the Las Olas Bvld. region.

Making it the affordability also promised soon to been going as promised also to Dubai, Durham for the Irish and Zimbabwean and Niger with it Cocoa beans released from Italy opting out left Durham former UK now Irelands.

Ireland's Nord Anglia International Boarding School snatched from America's fake source of free school making on now privately fundings for private school goers left to trafficking races too attend for free like the Irish.

 Ireland's Boarding School which the funds fell upon with their snatched in 2017 Mary Queen of Scots free private funded private schooling.. Even a Nord Anglia International Boarding School promised also at the Las Olas Bvld. region in one of the new buildings built since 2015.


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