mgm pack to leave her out there cost the fifteen studio alliance as no help and noone has but fleeced and nothing but kennedy's come to recover---
{Heiress "stinking " of childood forced "black gay men rape" ys Consttance Gary selling she makes her way into the forray of international ryule;; has been given access and hoarding not just the kids Irieland found and Scotland compoensation of Glasgow as a little kids over and not advise from nono- Canadian cops other then the Luciana and Zaina teamin ion other massive thefts of Krishtina khassoghi's fortune hidden in her own setting her back on even her own feet " now calle dsocial networking so no negros but for now dropped Bar Shop is gone;; to others countires ,, and she ordered back every w hotel to be closed as each are her incorporates;;}