angelina jolie ever arreste warranted - Bing
Child Trafficking and Child Organ Harvesting Angelina Jolie ARRESTED & EXECUTED July 13, 2020Angelina Jolie ARRESTED & EXECUTEDARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE BY MARY O'CONNER Please Spread the Word. Arrest and Executions of famous people this was posted, by Mary O'Connor and it says the list of the first 81 Celebrities who have been arrested or executed, we present to you the list of the 81 names of famous political actors singers who Served the Deep State, but many of them Have been arrested, and have already been Executed. We have told you previous articles but also in VIDEOS that many, of those who committed horrific crimes against humanity will be arrested. Of course many of you thought we were writing and were writing and saying inaccuracies By Spreading false news. Because this issue with the arrest is serious and we know there is a war against TRUMP,by the systematic this systematic media. Which have taken a lot of money to intimidate the World with Issues. Such as COVID-19. Vaccines fines and all the Negatives now to keep the world in a negative. We also take care to give you the right Information. Today Thursday June 4th 2020, in slaughter we publish a Long name of 81 names of Celebrities. Some of whom have been arrested and others have been executed. This is because you need to know exactly what is going on, and understand, who is insulting your intelligence. And attempting to make a fool of you. Already many in the WORLD have been exposed to their big Lies. Such as politicians, Journalist, actors, and others. Trying to convince us of a virus, that Kills about how necessary vaccines and other such nonsense are. Which turned out to be a big Lie. Of Course. And all this mockery of the mockeries they have mixed the President of the United States Donald Trump. Of course has been fighting the Deep State for Three Years. And on the Occasion of the CORONA he started arresting all those who have been committed crimes against Humanity. As we told you COVID-19 was a cover for the MASS ARREST. The LOCK DOWNS are made so that there is no unnecessary traffic on the street and the work of INTERNATIONAL POLICE is facilitated. As we previously reported the COVID-19 Virus was the COVER for the MASS ARREST. The LOCK DOWN are made so that there is no unnecessary Traffic on the Street, and the work of the INTERNATIONAL POLICE IS FACILITATED. The ARREST are made by SPECIAL POLICE teams in plain CLOTHES. We saw the ARREST of OBAMA. The ARREST was made simply and quickly so as not to be noticed by the PUBLIC. All these arrest were made in this way if CONVICTED OF CHILD TRAFFICKING PEDOPHILIA OR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.HE/SHE WILL BE EXECUTED. IF CONVICTED THEY WILL BE EXECUTED BEFORE THE TRAIL IF THE PERSON HAS PROOF OF SOMEONE ELSE WAS INVOLVED IN THIS DIABOLIC BUSINESS.OR IS WILLING TO WORK WITH TRUMP AND SNITCH, HE OR SHE AGREES TO A CERTAIN STIPULATION ON ANALOGUE VIDEO TAPE AND SIGNED ON A CONTRACT, IN ORDER FOR A POSSIBLE LIFE SENTENCE.THEY ARE ALLOWED TO WORK WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP IF THEY have verifiable EVIDENCE and LIVE behind BARS UNTIL they DIE.When a NEGOTIATION is COMPLETED. THE DEFENDANT must present what, he has to MITIGATE his Sentence. This information is provided to the persecution, the defense and the Judge. If accepted the PLEA agreement is presented and then they must make a WRITTEN STATEMENT.And ADMIT GUILT FOR THEIR CRIME WITH, A VIDEO CONFESSION AND A WRITTEN STATEMENT.THIS IS HOW ALL PROCESSES WORK.ALL THE PEOPLE ARRESTED WERE TRAITORS, OR INVOLVES IN SATANIC WORSHIP CEREMONIES.WHICH INVOLVED TORTURING CHILDREN AND KILLING THEM AS A SACRIFICE.THEN THEY DRANK THEIR BLOOD WHICH CONTAINED ADRENO SCEPTER CHROMIUM ADRENOCHROME. These are Called CRIMES against Humanity and Demand Dead as Punishment. Trump has Signed an Executive Order, calling for the DEATH PENALTY for these, Involved in Crimes against Humanity or TREASON to be BROUGHT to JUSTICE and sentenced to DEATH. This is how the BETRAYAL is Characterized. If the detainee took orders from the DEEP STATE, and carried out those orders this is called BETRAYAL. OBAMA said I just followed Orders. Yes, that made him a TRAITOR. He made a DEAL and was allowed to LIVE for while to help TRUMP, but in the PROCESS he violated the WAIVER agreement and was ordered to appear before the JUDGE. HE (OBAMA) WAS SENTENCED TO DEATH. OBAMA was EXECUTED BY SHOOTING IN BACK OF THE HEAD.BIG MIKE Formerly known as MICHELLE OBAMA was executed shortly afterwards. The General Public will find out next year, when all this will be released. Obama of course also betrayed Big Mike to make a DEAL. All those arrested made a confessional Video to negotiate. Even if it was a mere DEATH BY LETHAL INJECTION, INSTEAD OF BEING SHOT BY A GROUP OR HANGED.DEADLY INJECTIONS ARE THE PREFERRED WAY TO DIE. YOU MUST SLEEP, AND YOU JUST SLEEP AND DON'T WAKE UP. IT IS PAINLESS AND PEACEFUL. BIG MIKE CHOSE THE LETHAL INJECTION. THE PEOPLE who have been already executed, have Human Body Doubles used as stand-ins or artificial intelligence AI Clones, which are used for good replacement, to make people believe that their IDOL is STILL ALIVE. This means that people who are not awake yet, will not be angry or Upset or, start RIOTING against the GOVERNMENT again for having someone they LOVED EXECUTED. Due to the TELEVISION and LOCAL NEWSPAPERS covering this UP. Celebrities such as MADONNA OR TOM THE HANGMAN HANKS or, have the GENERAL PUBLIC get so UPSET that they have to go to the HOSPITAL. MANY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCEPT, THAT THEY HAVE BEEN LIED TO THROUGHOUT THEIR ENTIRE LIVES ABOUT WHO THEIR FAVORITE STAR REALLY WAS. BELIEVE IT OR NOT THERE MANY DEMOCRATS OUT THERE WHO STILL LOVE OBAMA AND MICHELLE. MICHELLE WAS recently on PBS reading books to Children, and Obama appeared with her as well, these are VIDEOS made with CGI, THEY ARE FAKE. BOTH ARE DEAD. Even on GREEK channels we saw commercial with statements by Rita Wilson who commented on the alleged death of George Floyd. The CGI, if you watch a video of a person arrested and executed on TELEVISION, this is DONE USING the CGI which is a Computer Generated IMAGERY Method. That is with Image production technology using a computer it the person makes, a personal appearance it will be a BODY DOUBLE or a CLONE. MIKE PENCE the one who you've seen, lately to television with Trump is a Clone. Mike PENCE was arrested long after the COUP against PAUL RYAN. If the MAIN stream News MEDIA has announced that a person has DIED of COVID-19 , they will not have a BUTTOCK body Double or a CLONE, in real life. Because people will officially , know that he or she has DIED. HARVEY WEINSTEIN was said to DIED of COVID-19. JOHN MCCAIN was Executed and his Daughter admitted it. The arrest of HILLARY CLINTON, it says Hillary Rodham Clinton died , the day she spoke at 9/11 event, and crashed into the SUV after, She was under arrest. Hillary was rushed to her daughter's House, because CHELSEA had a medical facility for Hillary. A body Double came out of residence two hours later and said I AM OK. At this MEDICAL FACILITY, at Hillary's Daughter Home Chelsea used to ADRENOCHROME, I'm rejuvenate Hillary having a Special medical Lab, there to extract it from BABIES and BLOOD. Her body was Transported to GREENLAND and put on ICE CRYOGENICS. Hillary was then thawed her SOUL Spiritually removed to ensure if did not go the DEMONIC FORCES. ENTER