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Matthew Martin Alleged to be Heading Paramount Vantage since 2008 as a Massive Molestation aka Pedo

Hollywood and London stitch-up taken up in fake America head STOP THE TRAFFIC kidnapped wealthy children for pedophile parties. Holding them for years as if Paramount Vantage supposedly headed by a Matthew Martin, homosexual believed to have encountered Hollywood actors. With the notorious scammer of white English males in London named Allison Fabiola. The pair aided by Earls Court Metropolitan police, London via Driss Hayoukane stitch-up 1999 case against founder of Stop the Traffic-Anti-Child Sex Trafficking and founder of Paramount Vantage alliance with Paramount Pictures 2008. Matthew Martin the so called victim in Hayoukane's case against Kesha R Coggins the alleged harassment of Martin failed miserable in court and the false proven was ordered expunged a year later.

The said police now believed to be fronting the largest international pedophile ring in the history of Hollywood and the world. Claiming to be running the economy after taking over America according to the stitch-up police an the police Matthew Martin also posing as a police officer who rapes and lives in the homes of those he's after oversees paying out of Mrs Kesha Pitt aka Kesha R Coggins revenue from two film companies Excalibur-one and Paramount Vantage both earning since 2001 and the other since 2008. The police and Martin are holding zillion of Kesha R Coggins money and inheritance. Several of the London Met officers sit in Hollywood running it via Kesha R Coggins' wealth and the wealth of the Stop the Traffic, thirteen day event kids...

The police through Angelina Jolie who pretends that she did not lose custody of two of her illegally adopted children held down Hollywood actor Brad Pitt until he was throw out of Hollywood and the media as far back as 2009 wondering why he was staggering at every event Ms. Jolie dragged him out to and since then aging after years before Ms. Jolie and her six kids looking young and youthful as ever. Said to be throw out of Hollywood is also Ms Jolie herself since 2008 as well as George Clooney and Matt Damon. The children used are said to be bloodline to Kesha R Coggins herself and made throw surrogate mother and and parented in brothels of Cambodia, Thailand and the poorest parts of America. Behind the mistreatment of the Pitt and Coggins believed children is of course Angelina Jolie herself and Lisa Kudrow who like Clooney pursued getting close the the actor knowing he was connected to the 60/70's Guinness Heiress ... Kristina known later as Cassandra Rona Jameson, the Jameson Whisky heiress.

Basing herself on the East Coast after helm Hollywood technically for ten-years and later for ten months in 2017 earning herself some $8000 trillion dollars. Hollywood to payout her inheritance shutdown until 2011 when Kesha R Coggins instructed Elite One Films... now options rights only and of Elite One Film Group, Manhattan. Meanwhile, Matthew Martin Alleged to be heading Paramount Vantage since 2008 as a massive molestation aka Pedophile ring of the World. Paying out to some 1500 employees, he is believed to believe he alone is heading Kesha R Coggins, the whisky heiress empire.

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