... husband as my father like that of Jackie 9 WHO AHD GRANDFATHER NOW UNCLE AND THEREAFTER HAD MY DAD AS KRSITIAN ONASSIAS- ARISTOTOLE Negros running around from Caribbean\ land taking over everything I do and taking it to Wethersfield the prostitutions ring of America taken under UK which has abandoned with the 1997 arrest cop of London's Kensington and Chelsea believed in custodial but in fact at the heart of London's helping themselves ( to massive heiress's funds and sums for her children
squandered everywhere///) Aziz London cop arrested in 1997 Kensington and Chelsea led thereafter that the ten-yrs plight of children in London have been at Her Majesty the -PIMP///
Wethersfield stopped in two ways a courthouse clerk explained ill used when thought dead/ then decided corruption\. But, at same courthouse closures now predicted that the courts return to old court end of road and adjacent the building noone knew what to do with for;
The perfect is the Public Defenders nd at that the newly built ended court to house the children of the Black Cubans due up since the earliest search for an heiress occured....
The Omega City and the rightfully place 1000 Trillions even with the Dentist removal from the building next door to old now closure Library the neighborhood sprouses up with the
And, now I discovered Elizabeth has made her way in the discernment to help the transitioning of the Americas . She single-handed has discovered what she set up already. And, has taken the closures that are necessary for our children to move into what is due them... at last!