Constance Gary reported of thefts oil 2016... then disability money.. and now of the inheritance she as who had K Cassandra R Jameson... and wen to on a spending spree including Ann Coggins and Dr Patrick Coggins when her sister went inside lockup and Constance Gary through she pulled off the lot.
The money like any children taken in for care while their care giver were incarcerated... and the world saw and knew of her atrocities come her arrival within months of Connecticut where she was believed to be safest at the time....Keeping the knowlged of this money from Kesha aka K Cassandra Ron Jameson she would take off for the los angeles West Coast to hunt the Hollywood actor who jeaporidised they're holding onto the zillions of dollars of theft money...
Inspire of of her mega career and monster earning that kept dios[[aearing and the whispers of her staying dow n form America as if only just today that means so they in in Connecticut including Ann and Dr Patrick Coggins stealing but worst setting up the person who was to rear the young little heiress in place of her mother and father.. both very very famous