Ireland's Greece, and Rome
We control all our banking;! And, the kids are {up} next at Las Olas Bvld.
\{ 4 4D Gelateria at the fourth 40th-yr}//// ~ the only one great great grandson thing///////////////'/
Wealthiest heiress's kids out if mental health The wealthiest kids are being pummeled and put to gruesome sex with just anyone and most its Amira's Coggins or cops children...
STOP THE RAPE OF CHILDREN NOW AND GET ONTO REAL ~ MONIES NOW AND RETURN ALL OUR PURSE IT REALLY ISN'T FOR (JSUT ANYONE) TO TEST DRIVE OPR ANYTHIGN THAT TAKES U T EH OTHER'S HEART Active Cassandra Cassie Rona Jameson · Shared with Public ANTI-CHILD SABUSE CAMPAIGN HERE London nit aka not delivering the money startled-ness after dead rumours for twenty yrs via Korvorvkian stalkers always re-estating