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saudi arabi's takeover is over here with france (uk) together and french canadian police officers, r

Writer's picture: Cassandra Rona JamesonCassandra Rona Jameson

Saudi Arabian takeover is being led to give hayoukane a crack first

while behind the scene even hollywood he mass disappearance brutal assaultive returns via no tickets booking back to england and worst being left unawares at the hands of her monstrous

childhood enemies sitting pretty hg in her organizations but have no reason to be anywhere near ironically due the jennifer aniston story and also the angelina joie they're both friends of with and or london police hiding.

Greek resident and american citizen the ending of the american nightmare the dragged and beat a little kids around mostly those of the white feds that weere after her money and the black that came back to stop them is being ignored due the solidifying of wayward canada's american freeloaders andd elizabeth belief that she has somehow tied this all together when in fact for he world they cannot sshe how she had my "quensiha's such large sums in the first place there is absolutely no evidence of her ever meeting or being permission via hollywood fl to take the funds anywhere let alone repeatedly whenever she runs out back to london for her english and polish manrchy!/ quenisha was on the dole while living there and more she was a ten-yrs nanny}\with two of three restaurant jobs and that's about it... no knowledge of staying down other making it to her 29-yr against constance gary which she did by 2009/

America who won't but revert to Elizabeth payment by rape of our children tiny itty bitty sums which ebt international pays way way way more;

using the Kristina Rona private inheritance, they now wanna come clean = as if it where theirs the original SSA recipients held it up at the then time but now have come to a massive agreement that still manages to set them aparts as SSA AND ssa and ssaia the (bad celebrity relatives that still deserve and cops

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