Nearing the end of our Thirteen Week Event... sees Hollywood's worst commenting the austerity against us. Jealous fallen, distinguished lured into falsehood about wealth of merit which sees heiress
Cassandra Rona Jameson and her children the Stop the Traffic kids needing further rescue as trillions and zillions poor in the ignorant think its about them the abuser and molester the very children as if they deserve for suffering thousands of children...
we seek justice of those convicted an alleged to be too famous which BS.... In other countries came evading justice even the public course of Justice marred.
We are proud to say the very last of us abused are now compensation acknowledge by all. Some two hundred thousands a year we are worth and now worthy to pay are own way even take care of each other.
We continue support the children of those who died who are rewarded for the courage of their siblings to survive and now are rewarded some $39,000 per year forever. Those who are guilty turn yourselves in. You have misunderstood "servitude and what is child abuse.