Fairfield neighbor shocked to hear of abuse allegations against 10 children
A neighbor who lives across the street from a Fairfield couple accused of abusing their 10 children was shocked to hear of the horrific allegations in the case.
By Amy HollyfieldTuesday, May 15, 2018FAIRFIELD, Calif. (KGO) --The mother accused of abusing her 10 children as they lived in squalor in Fairfield is keeping quiet on Tuesday. She and her husband have both been charged after a six week investigation. Meantime, their neighbors are expressing shock over the discovery.
Two people knocked on Ina Rogers' door Tuesday morning in Fairfield and identified themselves as being from the public defender's office. Rogers did not want to open the door, but they coaxed her into doing it quickly and letting them slip in with her out of view of the TV cameras. On Monday, she publicly declared her innocence.