Noticeably something is going wrong at the behavioral that explained front he source of arrival that they were in threat of being shutdown due to violation d practices for years>> I'm resided with celerity gawkers that are mallying me while at I sleep Mrs Kesh Pitt I wished they knew they thought but instead it the HEIRESS (qUEEN0 of England and worst more wealth then they the others stole in the eighties being ushered into the facilitates two bedroom the ( HUD0 HAS NOW TO MOVE ME TO THE LAS OLAS BOUVLARD AS IF LIKE THE CHLIDRNE OF SAME WOMA ARE BIENG USED BY ALSO CELEBRITY GAWKERS AND SIMPLETON GAWKER CHIOMA BEHIND IT ALL WITH FRIEND KAREN OF NIGER OF LOND... They the African are hooked up all over Los Angeles while Mrs Kesha Pitt is hair chopped now recently like if Connecticut Black fro woman finally exposed for beating up and down Brad Pitt and stealing the kids fro selling prostitutions of Susana Pellicano but really Matthew Martin the police are also here living it up via George Clooney. All the while them, they claim to be part of something to do with the "actress' wannbe they call her as if they really don't have a clue how powerful this woman is to Mr. Pitt but also to his children's>>> Injected and poisoned were her complaints before eve an explicable broken face that distorted her ee area and forehead>> This must be he horror
that over took the world's knowledge and worst teh claims of the worst child abuses as from the world of Wilmington (as they as enter and whisper) threats everywhere>> at her. This is what Mr. Pitt is enduring with the Scotland prostitution ring expulsed, illegal immigration, and our fucking to pay their food. We decline working with Scotland(ordered) off the map and really had enough other than their Hunts which our our frieneds....