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  • Writer's pictureCassandra Rona Jameson

A Personal Investment

Elite Arra Kids - 

A Personal Investment

A customized experience, tailored to perfection with personal attention the future of all child sex trafficked children.
and pre-paid boarding school for all trafficked children

Look out for the official Elite Arra Kids Rallies and other special occasions throughout the world.

From Paramount Vantage and EliteOne Provocateur the THIRTEEN WEEK EVENT that exposed the further die-hard attempts of appears including introducing her own kids to attend prestigious schools and now merited/stipend which has apparently slowed her and their "racist supremacist" group down completely...

obtaining their compensation funds for "white' non-abused children who would have been over 40-years been given the better life now are their under-sighted for having no evidence of abuse nor exemption for prestigious enrollments... 

to fund "fake" Fostercare of over a 100,000 illegally made and abused from birth by Caribbeans flown over by Matthew Martin and later Allison Fabiola to get at the 2009 due inheritance of a Queen ... Mary Queen of Scots heiress...

Cassandra Rona Jameson.

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