Windsor are found to be the found from and some s/still being raped by Karen WIlliams hold over something that can never be her races colour...Pearls %5 is she is pure Malian... no longer Windsor British called monarchy but Russian of the Pitt Castillo Lindenburgh adn Guerrvera family trees that make up the LINDESENBURGH CLAN;
NEXT UP AT THE COLLINS AVE, the Bass region and Las Olas their children and gret great grandchildren move and call for newly selected Omega Cities locations so that the children of Jewish bloodlines can also now safety get "moved" in. & THE FAKE JAMESON (MISSING FROM MASSIVE COLLECTED SUMS ANNULLY) FAKED HUD AND HUD LETTER:
instead, its her journey to the Berekley Park Hotel College and from their a world of wealthy things for her to do.. and even "after she archived highest "scores" ever for her film course score examination ~~~
and still holding title inspite of shady (gab) style public appearances````
a human trafficking and selling that they knew "Keshia the Hot" Singer;
massive worldwide embezzlement and polish Irish mental "unknown" to her with teams of Richmond College alumni involved in the directly linked to long-terms disappear[earances and absent are her offices from the Las Olas Region, from for Paramount Pictures, Paramount the Mother Co. it is under and Vicom/Which acquired CBS as well as the newly inducted "MALIAN SLAVE -STOLEN back and put into the further slavery of the Coggins/Gary directly related to and links to Elizabeth since the sixties when Anglica first wen t missing---
with the strangest willy man claiming "he'd took over the Kesha Coggins (for others like his co-defendant Matthew Martin shown
(with an England royal attended of her true race and relativity-- with thereafter they'd the Windsors were on her Kesha Coggins (pitt later added by 2011) Facebook profiles but said nothing... had altogether ---taken in all of her massive incorporated (thefts in the zillions per mins. were found used by Zain of the Wetherfield's court failure attempt and same years in London court proceedings for the same inheritance neither in court or Matthew Martin; ever got a hold of---
there's even whiffs of (stories) that Elizabeth married he evidence of non-knowing all the way up too her stay in Bath Somerset where an Anoushka mad a stink about her living residence nearest the college at the Bath Spa themselves not being allowed her use as if her had the right to suggest deial and a//already dummin down the luxury husband of the Keshia to them and to everyone the little Kesha of Dr. Coggins's stories and worst the nightmare use they'd discovered of vicious vengeful who would only sned the famous stolen away form her luxury life Keshia the "HOT' singer noone knew why anyone didin't known whow to spell her name to get at her fortune- properly ---
knew at or after the time of the trial the two brought 1999` against her her real and and status Mrs. Kristina (Aan the Saudi Arabia) Arms Dealer Mr.Khassoghi ( times three and of course her own grandfather/s fortune bestowe herself-) whose belongings were eventually found used in London and France (UK) or Croatia who'd they'd taken under their wing... early into the dismissing her of her rights to her industry incl. the US GO'VT settlement they all set up to steal out and never pay for anything; Her Real Estate aboard---
The Long-term Health Outcomes of Childhood Abuse - PMC
National Institutes of Health (.gov)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC1494926
by KW Springer · 2003 · Cited by 400 — Childhood abuse has been associated with a plethora of psychological and somatic symptoms,– as well as psychiatric and medical diagnoses including depression,,, ...
child abusers madia sheihk el ard
constance gary (forstercare)
evellyn gary (fakke fed) and scotland claiming that they're friends with them and dr coggins british black but the arabs kristina dn quenish makes her babies (half not be together and taken the chidren since the early xsixties; but these they are not of any relation to any of our off-springs any where's on the planet....... RETURN OUR CHILDRNE & MONEY AND SCHOOLS LS... THE NOW GET ONLY ONE ONLY SCHOOL AND THE REST IS SEVERAL COLLEGES.... PARAMOUNT INTERNATINAL COLLEGE AND BOARDING (SCHOOL ) IS NEXT~` ALREADY THEIRS IS OFOR THE IRISH THE MIDLAND COLLEGE AND BOARDING SCHOOLS AND NORD ANGLIA THEY CONTROL (WITH SEARATE) PURSE:) SNATCHE 2017` FROM KAREN WILLIAMS AFTER TWO FROM OTHERS NEGROS CONSTNACE GARY AND AMIRA COGGINS`S
Mental Health of Parents and Caregivers
Child Welfare Information Gateway (.gov)
https://www.childwelfare.gov › factors › parentcaregiver
A parent's or caregiver's mental health disorders can be a risk factor for child maltreatment. Depression, low self-esteem, poor impulse control, anxiety, ...
Treated Mental Illness and the Risk of Child Abuse Perpetration
Psychiatry Online
https://ps.psychiatryonline.org › doi › appi.ps.201700120
by SH Friedman · 2018 · Cited by 7 — This study compared incidents of violence toward children perpetrated by parents who were newly discharged from inpatient psychiatric treatment ...