the quack tells me he sent me to botswana for 160yrs and he's live off of my Jameson , Mary queen othe quack tells me he sent me to botswana for 160yrs and he's live off of my Jameson , Mary Queen of Scots, He the faggot fairy witch that thought while I slept he match my execs with white woman and give the ultimate in the NIGGER TREATMENT DEPARTMENT!!!\BPOTSWANA BUT AFRICA....CLAIMINGTHAT HE'D TAKE OVER MY OPERATION AND FIRMS, THIS WHACKER IS MY ENEMY, HE LOVER AFFAIR WITH THE MEN I USED BE ... ARE HARDLY UNSAID/
the quack tells me he sent me to botswana for 160yrs and he's live off of my Jameson , Mary Queen of Scots, He the faggot fairy witch that thought while I slept he match my execs with white woman and give the ultimate in the NIGGER TREATMENT DEPARTMENT!!!\BPOTSWANA BUT AFRICA....CLAIMINGTHAT HE'D TAKE OVER MY OPERATION AND FIRMS, THIS WHACKER IS MY ENEMY, HE LOVER AFFAIR WITH THE MEN I USED BE ... ARE HARDLY UNSAID/