with the Guervera and Lindensenburgh's
sharing in with their loss of emptied out Sweden moving over to who made them
~this side Argentine's and 50 trillion like, Germany taking Starbucks and Denmark;
and 50 trillions (in pounds while we also are expecting the Canadians dollars here)
for teh reward of Starbuck's and its massive missing purse snatched back from wayward liar lose canon Zaina Adbubella (sp?) exploiting's fake brief friendship with Keisha Coggins in London
during the nineties "to big" after Trifecta Spa Meds.. and after declining a job at it in 2008, for instance. The is story and of her friend Constance started at the company late after Susana Pellicano sat on it with Hartford's Jamie Stevenson and then Durham but Hartford returned to slavery the Jamison and Lindenburgh kids Constance Gary.... Parting ways fromt he firm is Dr. Fruitman who refuses to take up the children like RCA returned to bill Trifecta Spa Meds and blocking it fruition at the waterfront criminals charges into the whole firm using real bonifide ARRA kids and their monies missing from every building they had ever bought for themselves or by Keisha turned Cassandra Jameson prnounced the "Whiskey Heiress" before the world very eyes and more her status at 700 zillions credit limit announced and applied to her Regions Bank card was already noted for being thefted by Hollywood actress Taraji Hensen, but some after a Jennifer Ann Jeffers appears to have been helping herself in big "gigantic" number and has brought in a gay slant/>
arra being looked ... calling themselves Trfiecta Meds Spa... and blocking my earnings and collecting of each and every salaries they're openly as sos called family taking over claims surfaced as far bacck as 2008 as if a major death occurred and they themselves oened three major names of Kiesha Coggins real status over America nd livng finally at the top of her professional and marital priviliged life with non-resolve as why or how they really know her in the first place... especially Jennifer An Jeffers who si said to have mad a sport of beddng all Keisha's of husbands.. after her 900 (spousal but reward for landing Brad (not known surname then) a Music Genius in the Producers world~~~~~