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London caught connecting to the keisha cogginss story overseas after her departure & mass arrests

Petrova Rothenfield Field Guervera and queen of Thai Monaco and Azenbaijan the Anushaka ~ and of Greece Anglica Kristina R

WITH ROYAL HUSBANDS OF LEBANON, LINDENBURGH AND TEL AVIVI FORMER JERUSALUM A-ndtpooSsre9mf11uih08u4i9a927gl39c7214hmc6ftmt18ahi29a7u99h10 ·

Somesone pretending in London Is died same yrs I got rewarded Crown of won of Azerbaijan, Mrs Khassoghi stays a no d maintenance and Mrs Brad WP {PPPPP} nicely intoduces our royal names~ - Rothenchild, Poet of the Year Win, plus 700 zillion, AP Awarded Journalist award another 700 zil times twice- Khassoghi monies come in, Pulitzer Prize, Nobel Peace, Found on Caucun,;Mexico 700 zil each ( Jeffers will hand-over) and Kristina Rona's circus ~Kristina~'s Alive and 400 trillion magic build region ` The

St. Bartz Island's, two more husbands and one brought the additional maintenance {alleged killed for her keep after she hunted us down caughting us in the press again}like heard of around dark vulture came on set I am Wilmington in 2007 (2008 I was only in summer `07 so I was never going back there) ~ and marriage to Nate (stop stop the stupid Lkondon hojmo- gay stories their sickening all of us)


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