see Dad's Profile here click
and at the time of death (robbed by Anoushka--- we "got it all back;"
Claimed by 2017/15 by living daughter Kristina 53 yrs and counting~~~~~
outside on the streets of the re-vised after forty-yrs missing horror of the accounts of her life- United States dissolved and the contents of her life restored to herself in full; miraculously she discoverede her father seekign her out whislt in Thai Monaco where she also be Greece's Queen and more here in phyically "real" Greece; she be Queen of Russia;
[one hours and five minutes [into 7-Eleven's & POW!\*
[see at the base of his page everyone who ripped himoff and I brought it back; by living the longest;}\\| Elizabeth stolen to Lodnon ---HINT: informant on knowledge of ,Matthew Martin -