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New Official William B. Pitt Facebook profile After Hollywood Lead Hacking into the Old William B Pi

The Only Brad Pitt Facebook Official Website Profile Featuring Me (the Wife) Reason Behind KESHACOGGINS URL BLOCKED PROFILE

I demand an inquest investigation into the vicious hacking since Yahoo blocked access when already Brad Pitt and wife Kesha Pitt articles featured on Magazine Tres where submitted for publication on the now one million viewed pages strong since 2011.For more than two-year Yahoo has refused to pay revenue salary and BWR continue to issue lies against the real and only wife... now claiming they annulled the marriage aka they the RACIST SUPREMACIST run the world through their stolen Elite One Public Relation aka headed by Mrs. Kesha Coggins aka Mrs Kesha Cassandra Pitt.

Thus far, using her Rome and Turin, Italy properties to promote the Brad and Angelina lie, denying her access to her legally gained custody over Angelina DSS cahrged in 2009 fake biological kids and fake orphans as well as fleece her of her millions earned from Paramount Vantage and Plan B.

As BWR seek to destroy the real and only wife of Hollywood actor Brad Pitt , she stay away from Hollywood, continues to take to the launching of her ventures solo and moves on with the 9 children gained in custody disputes against debunked actress and Pitt former co-star Angelina Jolie. Rumoured to have stolen from Elite One Films and plagiarized th e the recent failed released flick aided by the also debunked film studio of Wilmington, NC. ALREADY, BANNED FROM ELITEONE PROVOCATEUR THE SO CALLED bwr REPRESENTED BRAD AND ANGELINA are also banned from Provocateur.... The retarded claims of smelling ... haha are what is the vicious weapon being used by BWR...seeking to take her down, but from what exactly. She is self made, self earning and fleeced blind by Hollywood celebrities and including Brad and the homewrecker Jolie.

Also banned are Hollywood actors Leo DiCaprio, Paul Walker, Jesse Metcalfe,Tom Cruise, Madonna, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Oprah, Matt Damon, George Clooney and George Lucas as well as the London Met Police, David and Victoria Beckham, Tom Brady, and so called family member from NC or CT ESPECIALLY BANNED to name the very forefront of those who sought to end her and Brad's public acknowledge of one another and place Mrs. Kesha Cassandra Pit in their circle of raping Negro Hollywood celebrities and passing them around rather than allow anyone of their white counterparts , especially as they were already jealous of Pitt and his furthered success since the behind the scenes world of entertainment all were warned off pursuit of her by Pitt himself since 2001.

Demanding the money from film companies, Excalibur-One which officially departed the cover name sake of Plan B and Paramount Vantage aka Vintage Row.

New Official William B. Pitt Facebook profile After Hollywood Lead Hacking into the Old William B Pitt Profile. Click here for her Mrs. Kesha Cassandra.Pitt profile

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