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Hollywood Continues to Steal & Lie Against Elite One Films CEO, Paramount Vantage Sole Proprietor &

Elite One Films was founded in March 2011. The second film company launched in 10 years. The first initially known as Excalibur One was later renamed Plan B and headed by my husband Brad Pitt until 2009. Vintage Row is another production company owned and founded by me in 2007. Following the repeated contract renewal for Plan B with then studio giant Paramount Picture. Vintage Row went onto to produce and distribute a string of Hollywood critically acclaimed and Oscar nominated films such as The Legend of Jesse James and The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons just to name a few. The launched of another film company has expanded to feature studio lots around the world. Working with only the finest in the industry remains our unwavered commitment. Integrity in all that Elite One Fiilms produces ensures that the quality of our film production and creative endeavours maintain a level of excelllence both strive for and achieved with Plan B. Elite One Films.. first film releases coming soon... CEO/Founder Kesha Coggins Pitt - Follow us on Twitter ~! eof created by eliteonefilms based on My Personal Portfolio New |

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