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EliteOne Provocateur Luxury Event Venue Looted & Illegally Sublet

The largest entertainment firm the world has ever seen is forever gone. Launched in April 2011, with the beautiful locations and erotica theme around the world events featuring the most elegant guest listings and hosts took the industry invited to become members by storm. Racism and Hollywood sexism lead by Tom Cruise, George Clooney and even Robert Robert (one year on) spelled a turn for the worst for CEO Kesha Pitt aka Kesha Coggins Pitt. A series of hackers would infiltrated bank accounts and eventually undermine event after event when celebrities like Tom Cruise were refused entry and memberships. Instead, he sought to lure away the celebrity help also known as Liaisons officers and introduced the worst racism scene in Hollywood since perhaps that of her own mothers's involvement with Hollywood budding actor Robert Redford some 50 -years earlier. Attempting to add himself in place of husband Brad Pitt, it seemed inevitable see the hoards of lowlifes from her past connected to the fathers also apart of what Redford and Constance Gary both used to broker Hollywood aka an unborn child to the right circles to embrace for Illuminati. Cruise sadly also use the slight he suffered in 2007 & 2007, when his feeble attempt to lure Kesha into some sort of relationship with him was also met with his discovery that Brad Pitt had already landed her and married her. But, it would be the viciousness of Madonna and not the loser pursuit of Pitt by former co-star (faking pregnancies and even fake marriage did nothing to ultimately break the coupling) pursing Pitt for 20-years and assisting anyone who would keep Kesha at bay only to discover Jennifer Aniston and Driss Hayoukane had teamed up years earlier and beat her to it, who would cause the most damage next to Crusie himself. Dragging her inside and telling her to stay down was their message but she rose and rose and rose. Singer, director of gorilla style filmmaking, introducing the world literary options Masterpiece was apparent the breaking point on both sides. She refused to go inside turned into she will fight to stay outside. Even at the expense of her marriage to spare herself and her children, never given them even a $1 and still Madonna through bullying Chace Crawford who headed Elite One Music would go onto to steal trillions of EliteOne Provocateur dollars. She allegedly went onto to reside in Kesha's Italian homes throughout Italy. Now those homes some listed back on the open market, will be used as the official venues of the Masterpiece~ Literary Film Institute. Rome homes will be allocated and meanwhile locked up as well as homes Hong Kong (Regalia Bay), Budapest (former hotel), Paris (newly purchased home -illegally moved into by Julia Roberts allegedly), New York -Manhattan Island homes as well as upstate estate reformed into a college for girls). Palaces in both Ireland and Venice will be allocated as the remaining venues. See the official website:

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Aka Cassandra {Rona} Jameson Lindenburgh aka for the Jamison the out of wedlocks are named of the Gra{q}nd mother; Guerrevera & Guervera Lindenburgh and  Lindensenburgh Seer- Sires- Onassis`!

And, Mrs. Kristina [Rona] Khassoghi Castillo ` Jameson Lindenburgh & Escabar Turne:

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