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Alastair Burlingahm Biological Father of Angelina Jolie fake Pitt Children Staking Kesha Pitt

Alastair Burlingahm Biological Father of Angelina Jolie fake Pitt Children Staking Kesha Pitt The last thing in the world is a plot to murder you one would expect but Alastair Burlingham formerly of Merrill Lynch not only survived one of his own when in 1999 the London Metropolitan Police went after his Merrill Lynch annual bonus and three banks account including saving in excess of of 3 million or so. Fathering the Angelina Jolie children with surrogate mother and former Jolie publicist Holly Goldine meant that Alastair had entered into the Driss Hayoukane fostercare scam he infiltrated when his adverse information deliberately left on her criminal background check in spite of never having ever committed crime left her record blemished for no reason whatsoever.

The damage to her being able to pass a criminal background left her with no options to gain employment in America after her initial and brief return in 2005. Swiftly making a permanent exist from the States forever, she managed to acquire a career online as writer and eventually a signed with agent representation poet and author. Burlingham ironically after several years of waiting for her in the hands of his victimisers, he would emerge just weeks into the reunion with husband and spouse only to sabotage the successful 2011 launch of EliteOne Provocateur. Aiding Brad Grey and Cindy Guagneti daily thefts of millions of EliteOne Provocateur money disappeared and would eventually be recovered long enough for her to invest the stolen funds in property purchased around the world. The very homes targeted by Amal Mansour and Jamie Stevenson for the child sex trafficking ring using her own biological off-springs.

By 2012, when efforts to sabotage her 'A Walk Within' book publication and release backfired on her agents who were left with a pre-author site listing 759 plus hits then suddenly disappeared to no hits at all. Kesha would discover that Burlingham and psychotically jealous Mansour hacked into the Blurb account it was to be published from and deleted the book. The pair went onto delete her Google Docs containing some 200 plus documents including her manuscripts yet to be published. Rbooks was next selected for publication only to have the price section pre-set to $0 from $29.99.

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