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Discover Which Fruits and Vegetables Carry the Most Toxins?

Discover Which Fruits and Vegetables Carry the Most Toxins?

Toxins Taint Fruit and Vegetable Produce

Kesha Coggins, Yahoo Contributor Network Aug 24, 2010 "Share your voice on Yahoo websites. Start Here."

When you think of fruit or vegetables the last thing you expect to find are toxic ingredients. In nature's healthiest options, studies have made a very surprising discovery of harmful toxins in both fruits and vegetables. Nature only ever produces the finest quality of toxin free produce. Therefore, the toxins discovered in environmental studies affirm that these toxins involved are man-made chemicals. The biggest contributor to the toxins found are pesticides. Pesticides were created decades ago with the good intention of ridding farmers of pesky pest infesting crops.

Unfortunately, the chemicals involved have proved to be more dangerous than first considered. Specific fruit that carry these dangerous toxins include strawberries, cherries, pears, nectarines, grapes, apples and peaches. This very extensive list of fruits effected contain toxins due to the chemical biological agents such as a virus or bacterium. Other dangerous chemicals frequently used are antimicrobial and disinfectant. Vegetable such as celery, sweet bell peppers, spinach, lettuce, and potatoes are also effected by the dangerous chemical used on farm crops.

In spite of the dangerous levels of toxins found in the mainstream food chain directly linked to the use of pesticides, these chemicals continue to be used. Studies conducted by The Environmental Work Group confirmed a total of twelve fruits and vegetables containing extremely high levels of toxins. These toxins are proven to come directly from the use of pesticides. Once touched or consumed these toxins enter into the blood stream of the body inevitably. These toxins are believed to have a dangerous effect on the body's reproductive system, hormone production, and immune system. Yet, the widespread use of such dangerous chemicals continues.

Unfortunately, there is no clear way to protect yourself from the pesticides except to avoid these fruits and vegetables altogether or opt to buy organic produce only. Organic fruit and vegetables are produced without the presence of pesticides or chemicals of any sort. Another alternative is to use canned fruits and vegetables which are toxins free due the canning process they undergo. However, the very best option available may be to grow your own fruits and vegetables in your own backyard garden.

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