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Rape culture ~ the Anit- Rape Campaign 2014

Rape culture ~ the Anit- Rape Campaign 2014

celebrity enticement starlets has become Hollywood stalking and raping hot and up & coming young males. in what ony can be described as celebrity gang, gangs of celebrity rapist violating males as famous as Brad Pitt i& Chace Crawford the entertainment world. New comer Douglas Booth ~ romeo & juiliet star has found imself targetby Tom Cruise, George Clooney, and even George Lucas.

violent sexual assualts apparently is behind the the fall of several Hollywood actors and actresses as seen played out in the Hollywood media. some are assaulted while in police custody while others are more recetly lured to Ladera Towers, Guam for what is called 'Crime Unit.'

expected to stay quiet and stay down after an assualt many celebrities assaulted continue to be assualted on a regular basis. some are fleeced of their assests and even income . leaving them with no other option then to themsevles become child sex traffickers or worst their gang of Hollywood rapist.

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