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Internet - Hackers Stalking Celebrities

Kesha Pitt sexually harassed by a lying Iraqi loser name Ash aka Ahmed. Friend of another lowlife loser Dany Farha, formerly of Leaman Brothers London and Dubai based since the mid 90's. His group of moron friends of London and he launch a campaign to stalk Brad Pitt in 2009 when the public announcement of Pitt's marriage to Kesha hit world worldwide media acknowledgement. Ash stands at 5 feet 10 ft, dark hair and eyes, pale skin no real tan ever appears to alter his features to look and fit inot the celebrities the infiltrated since 2012 through Amal Mansour.

Calls to harass husband Brad Pitt with lies and instigation started with Dany Farha's claims December 2012 of a sorted meeting with Kesha at Ladera Towers. Lies that would latter be regurgiated by Ans some 10 months into the combined onslaught to break the couple whist aiding those who wish to see her brought inside to be perveted got at and passed around. .

Both members of Amal's moron Dinner Out, it would be Ash who had the stupidity to dump kids in the sea and ocean belongIing Kesha. A scheme to pretend that Kesha took in children much like she did 2011 was still in place became the focus of another ploy to tkidnap and traffic children in the Hollywood pediphile British corrupt police officer Driss Hayoukane launched when he discovered Kesha' connection to Brad Pitt and Hollywood celebrities. Those who thought their kids are coming back in 9-years, they are more likely to have been entered into a brothel and pediphile ring around the world. They are not in some school run by Mrs. Kesha Pitt.

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