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Brad & Kesha, Chace & Douglas Dusseldorf ~ Boat Show

The trio couple set to make their first appearances at this year's Berlin International Film Festival, European Film Market, and San Sebastian Film Festival are also expected at this year's luxury Amizut Yacht boat show. The guest list reads more firends than ever with Daniel Craig * wife Rachel Weiss also expected to join.

Also to join the trio is Douglas Booth as permenant feature in the Crawford Pitt family as fellow spouse and confidant to wife of both Brad & Chace. Others anticipated to attend the Amizut Yacht boat show include Colin Farrell, Jaime Fox, Kate Moss and several of the theirs in both the music and fashion world. Location: Amizut Yacht Season: January 2014 Boot Show Amizut Yacht Boot Dusseldorf January 18 - 26, 2014 - Dusseldorf - Germany Invites & info at

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