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Literary Filmmaking Institute Introduction to the international film industry and filmmaking once selected for options rights of your published book. Masterpiece is the 21st centuries unified literary filmmaking institute to emerge the world of literary book marketing with options rights and the film industry. A introduction into how a published book becomes a film from conception through to the option rights deal. The agreement that takes a book from publication to film production in called an option right. Contractual agreements merge the author with a producer and most instances a film studio. Masterpiece: Literary Filmmaking Institute secures the option rights agreement which proves exclusive rights, financing, and casting as well as translation of the book into a screenplay for film production. Industry films based on a book or real life story acknowledgment intellectual property of the literary writer or conceptual party involved. Other options include articles and songs. About the Ceo/Kesha Coggins Pitt aka Kesha Pitt!info Follow news & update on the official website blog!blog/c20gb Google+

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